Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Come On, Are Microwaves Safe or Not?!

Hello Happy and Healthfully Ever After World!

I have had a lot of clients asking me about microwave safety lately. If you do your own research, you will find a lot of information stating both that microwaves are safe and that they are dangerous.  So what is correct?

Much of the information about microwave safety is not well researched or can be misleading.  However, many of the claims of the danger can also be incorrect.   

Inevitably, it is up to you to decide what you feel is right.

But remember, if there is a possibility that this way of heating your food could be dangerous, it really is worth the extra time and research.

A couple of things to consider:
1. Does convenience outweigh the importance of nutrient rich food?
2. Food is medicine, it is energy, it is life.  Food is science!  In its natural state it will provide amazing nutrition for our mind, body, and spirit.  But when you change the scientific structure of the food, will it still have the same benefits?  For example, pesticide laden fruits and vegetables have a different scientific structure due to the chemicals that have been sprayed on them.  So they do not break down in the body the same way and then there is the obvious problem of ingesting all of these unknown chemicals.  But organics is a whole separate argument.  If you want to read some interesting information about pesticides and toxins in your food, click here.

Personally, I prefer not to take the risk of scientifically altering my food and losing the nutrient value.  Other than clean air and water, my body and mind rely on food to keep me alive, healthy, and happy.  Therefore, I am just not willing to take the chance of altering the natural scientific structure of my food just so I can have it cooked more quickly.  But this is my personal choice.  It is time for you to make yours.

Here are great resources for both sides of the argument. Once you have done your research and made the right choice for your family, feel good about it! But remember, always be open minded to learn more when new information is presented.  Most importantly, always use your own common sense and trust yourself!

The Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking by Anthony Wayne and Lawrence Newell - http://www.health-science.com/microwave_hazards.html
Microwave Ovens Destroy the Nutritional Value of Your Food by Mike Adams - http://www.naturalnews.com/021966.html
Does Plastic In Microwave Post Health Problems? Wall Street Journal - http://www.mindfully.org/Plastic/Microwave-Health-Problems.htm
Is Microwaved Food Dangerous?  The Myths and Facts http://ehealthmd.com/content/microwaved-food-dangerous-myths-and-facts#axzz2NK8HoCyf
Do Microwaves Zap Nutrients from Food? http://www.oprah.com/health/The-Truth-about-Eating-Microwaved-Food
Does Microwave Cooking Destroy Nutrients in Vegetables? http://www.nytimes.com/1992/11/17/science/q-a-240892.html

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